The Exam season can generate levels of stress and exhaustion that can make your studies difficult. Here are some helpful tips on How to manage your Anxiety.

Exam stress affects most students in different ways. It is important to control this stress and find small ways to help eliminate the risk of exhaustion. For some students, exams can be very easy; screening is second nature to them and they may do an exam with their eyes closed. But for others, sweaty palms and heart palpitations are only part of the territory, and it seems like nothing is more impossible than sitting and checking. Here are some helpful tips that can help dissipate stress and make sure you can get through exam season.

#1. Daily Exercise and go outdoors
Easily one of the most frustrating things about exam season is that it seems to happen just as the weather improves. Use this to your advantage and take a walk, run, or go to the gym or pool. In addition to staying healthy, exercise is known to improve your mood and can help you be more productive while you check.

#2. Take regular breaks and schedule fun things to wait

Even the most intense exam schedules will allow a little time for a study break. This may include 20-minute breaks during the review day and longer activities than you can expect. Go out to dinner with friends, go to the movies, attend a concert, anything you like to do in your spare time that distracts you from exams. If you spend a little time away from books, you will feel more refreshed and relaxed the next time you check it out.

#3. Talk to someone

If the stress reaches a point where it is overwhelming and is affecting your daily life, try talking to someone about it. Your university or school should have a service where you can talk to people about your concerns, and can offer more advice on how to handle it. If that seems like too big a step, contact a family member or friend about the pressure you're feeling. You will be surprised to know that you are not alone feeling this way.

#4. Don't (always) listen to others

As the old saying goes: "Comparison is the thief of joy." While it is helpful to discuss topics with other students and often review them together, try not to compare other people's review with yours. Chances are, you're doing it right, and hearing other people talk about what they've learned will only stress you out and can make you feel like you're not progressing as well as they are. Also, if they are stressed themselves, this can rub off on you and other people's stress is not what you need right now.

10 Quick Ways to Help Eliminate Exam Stress
  • Watch a movie, TV show, or listen to a podcast or comedian that makes you laugh.
  • Drink some herbal tea or hot chocolate. It's a well-known fact that hot drinks are known to soothe the soul (however, avoid excess caffeine!).
  • A shower or bath can help relieve stress.
  • Cook or bake something. The very idea of ​​having something delicious to eat can bring you joy. As a side note, try cooking something healthy too. You cannot feed your mind well if you do not feed your body well.
  • Sleep a little. The virtues of a good night's sleep during testing season should not be underestimated.
  • Keep things in perspective. Yes, exams are important. But you are much more than the results of your exam.
  • Avoid other stressed people. And you know what I mean. Those with reference cards outside the exam room, frantically trying to remember key dates and equations. They will do nothing for your stress levels.
  • Avoid the "post-mortem" exam. You don't need to know how other people did on the test. You've done your best, you can't go back and change your answers, so the moment you exit the hall exam, focus on your next exam.
  • Be flexible. While having a review time table is one of the best tools in your arsenal for exam success, don't be too hard on yourself if you don't meet it. If you accidentally fall asleep, do not write the day off.
  • Write down everything you feel you need to do and try to mark one thing. Just feeling like you're in control of your review can help.

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