Early Childhood Education

The  National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) defines "early childhood" as something that occurs before the age of eight, and it is during this period that a child goes through the fastest phase of growth and development. Their brains develop faster than at any other time in their lives, making these years critical. The foundations of their social skills, self-esteem, world perception and moral perspective are established during these years, as well as the development of cognitive skills.

Early childhood education for healthy development and nutrition is encouraged in all of these important foundations, and trends show that parents increasingly recognize this. In fact, according to the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), enrollment in education at the prekindergarten level has increased from 96,000 to more than 1 million in the past 30 years.

Early childhood education is not a mandate from the United States Department of Education. Primary and secondary education is all that is legally required for students, although early childhood education is certainly an important and fundamental stage of learning.

Working with young children

When deciding if early childhood education is the right career option for you, the first and most important question is: Do I like working with children? If you can't answer yes, then this career may not be the best for you. Working with children requires patience, dedication, and sensitivity. Trying to keep up with them can be exhausting, but if you're up for the challenge, it can also be extremely rewarding.

Young children are not like other students. Their needs are unique and you should be aware of this. It is important to understand that you may be one of the first adults a young child has interacted with outside of his or her own family. Separation from your parents can be difficult at first, and a teacher should help you through this transition. A child may become very attached to you as a "substitute" for his parents, or may reject you entirely. Great teachers adapt to the emotional reactions of their students. And when it comes to your students' interactions with other children, this may be one of the first times they interact with children their age. The role of a teacher often becomes a mediator when children have trouble sharing or learning to get along.

Furthermore, early childhood educators must be creative and adaptable. They must think outside their own mature perspective and be able to put themselves in their students' place. What motivates a very young child? How do you maintain the interest of a young child? How do you make learning fun? These are all the questions you will have to ask yourself. Lessons in early childhood classrooms are very practical. They involve arts and crafts, storytelling, exercise, educational games, and more. It must be fast and highly adaptable to continually find new ways to guide children through their early learning stages.

How can I become an early childhood educator?

As an aspiring early childhood teacher, you must have the right temperament. Patience, creativity, sensitivity, communication skills, and the ability to connect with children are some of the most important qualifications. However, you are also expected to have the proper education and credentials, and each state sets its own standards for what they expect from certified teachers. Before you begin your journey to becoming an early childhood educator, you need to find out what the requirements are for your state or school where you want to teach.

Because teaching young children is such a highly specialized field, some schools require a degree in early childhood education or child development. Many preschoolers set their minimum requirements for an associate degree, and most Montessori schools require a bachelor's degree. Having a bachelor's degree in early childhood education will generally qualify you to teach up to the third grade. Of course, having an advanced degree, such as a master's degree in education or teaching in this field, only improves your skills, job prospects, and career advancement opportunities.

Once you have earned your degree, you must examine your state's requirements to obtain your official teaching credential. The Council for Professional Recognition External Liaison offers the Childhood Development Associate (CDA) External Liaison Credential in different areas of early childhood education. The of the National Accreditation Council for Teacher Education also offers national certification. Furthermore, it is important to note that to teach at a Montessori school you must complete a special Montessori teacher education program External link. Once you are certified, the most important way to develop your career is through experience. Many preschool and Montessori teachers begin as instructional materials to gain hands-on classroom experience before becoming teachers.

Where Can I Teach?


Preschool is not daily care, contrary to some general misconceptions. While daycare is usually childcare without emphasis on learning, it is the first formal learning environment for preschool children. It focuses on cognitive and social development by stimulating the curiosity and imagination of a preschool child. Children learn by sharing toys, taking turns and interacting with their teachers and each other. The classes themselves are very lively, brightly decorated with alphabet posters, maps, number tables and student artwork. Classes should be interactive and stimulating to develop an exciting learning environment. Teacher-student ratios are also closely monitored to ensure close interactions and class sizes are kept relatively small.

Despite the growing public interest in early childhood education, kindergartens are still generally accepted as private schools. Many are funded by education and donations and are considered an option for families, as the government does not require preschool education. However, evidence of the permanent effects of pre-school external affiliation has caused some government actions. The Ministry of Health and Human Services launched the Head Start Program to provide early childhood education to children from low-income families and to support their healthy development.

Montessori Schools

Montessori schools are institutions centered on Montessori learning methods. This method, established by Dr. Maria Montessori over one hundred years ago emphasized the child's curiosity, mindfulness and self-esteem and promoted independence. This "child-centered" approach to education differs from traditional methods in many ways. Perhaps the most notable feature of Montessori schools is the class itself, where many age groups study within an environment. Children in Montessori classrooms are from the age of two and above, with no difference in education level. Thus, an eight-year-old studies side by side with a three-year-old to demonstrate a real-life social environment and enhance peer learning. Younger children learn from older ones, while older children are able to practice teaching things they already know.

Montessori classrooms are also designed to promote independence and learning to explore. In these classrooms, students are given the freedom to choose what to know and to set their own pace. Classrooms have a wide range of interactive spaces, each dedicated to a variety of academic areas, such as speech arts, math and science. Children are encouraged to explore these areas in the best interest of them, and they often end up working with other students to explore these areas. Despite the autonomy, the teachers of Montessori schools are never passive or immovable. Instead, teachers work with students, guiding them through their exploration of the classroom, answering questions and facilitating group work. You are very much involved in this self-motivated learning process. The link to the American Montessori External Society provides a very detailed Introduction to the schools at the Montessori describing the methods and pedagogy of this innovative approach.

Montessori institutions are private schools, and therefore not government funded. Their teachers are not subject to national teacher certification and licensing standards, even if they are required to have at least a Bachelor's (best in child development or early childhood education) and complete a special education program in the teacher 


Kindergarten is often seen as the beginning of formal education, and it is fully integrated with the elementary school system. Kindergarten is a public education and is subject to state law (therefore, kindergarten teachers must be licensed and certified), even if it is not mandatory in every state. Children enter kindergarten between the ages of five and six, and many states do not begin the education mandate until the age of seven. However, whether it is mandatory or not, it is still encouraged. Even if kindergarten is more formal, it is still eligible for early childhood education because students are under the age of eight. They are still developing at a fast pace, and kindergarten is important to ease their transition into elementary school.

Kindergarten is very much focused on social development and peer-to-peer relationships, even when there is more emphasis on academic achievement than preschool. In preschool children learn how to count, but in kindergarten they start learning about addition and subtraction. They learned colors, and are now learning how to mix colors to create new ones. And even in preschool they learned the alphabet, the kindergarten taught them how to spell and tie basic words in simple sentences. Usually, kindergarten sets the groundwork for their formal education by introducing new concepts developed into the various academic topics that they will discover in all areas of their educational career.

Early Learning

During the first few years of life, a child learns much about themselves and the world around them, and parents are their first teachers. Parents teach them how to talk, how to walk, how to feed themselves. They teach them alphabet, shapes and colors, and even how to count and spell in very simple words. But for healthy development, children need active stimulation and communication with others. This is where early childhood education is most valuable. It is in these classrooms where children apply what their parents teach in a practical setting and have their first interaction with people outside their family. Beginning with children as young as two, teachers guide them through a pivotal shift and keep an eye on their adjustment. Early childhood education focuses on "learning by playing" by providing a hands-on, interactive environment in which children learn about themselves by playing with other children. As a children's teacher, you become a single parent, their first source of guidance in playing with others and making friends. You teach them how to share, how to take turns, how to behave - lessons to stay with them and develop at every important stage of their life.

Children of this age have more physical needs than older students. Many preschoolers join their bedtime routine or are on a half-day schedule to provide child satisfaction after a long morning of play and learning. Snack time is also built into these schedules, which serves as an excellent opportunity to teach students table manners. Teaching young children is nothing short of complete devotion and consistency. This can be a daunting task, but to a truly dedicated teacher, it is worth the effort.

There is a lot of debate about what constitutes an ideal preschool curriculum, but really, early childhood is a time of such growth and curiosity that it is difficult to decide what, and when, should a child can learn. Many preschool curricula have built the teacher as a guide, allowing children to see for themselves as the teacher guides them through the process. A lot of research is entering preschool curricula, and organizations such as the National Institute for Early Education Research and the National Association for the Education of Young Children are working to preserve and improve the education of some young students in our country, as well. increase awareness of the importance of early childhood education.

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