I spend a lot of time writing about goals. But I realize that I haven't shared many of my own. While I don't see my dreams as unique, I don't know too many people who share them. Most of my friends are caught in the mythology that you have to get a good job, settle in and chain yourself to a retirement package for the rest of your life.

I deliberately avoid details such as deadlines and plans in this entry. Although I believe a lot in writing your goals and setting plans and deadlines, this is not helpful here. I want to share the bigger picture of my life, not the darker implementation details.


A Completely Digital Life

I don't plan to download my brain to a computer. By digital life I mean that all my income will come without a location. This will probably mean the Internet, but it could mean something completely different in ten years as technology continues to expand. This means that I will be able to live anywhere I can carry a laptop. I plan to use this freedom and could easily be a wandering bum for most of my 20s. I want to be in a position where I can say, "Hey, let's live in Spain for 6 months," without having to worry about leaving a job or leaving a physical business.


I'm not a materialistic person. I don't like to buy things and I have very simple flavors. I like to eat simple meals, live in simple houses and keep simple things. Having more things doesn't make me happy and I appreciate things that can't be bought much more.

As a result, I am interested in the idea of ​​the rich, but it does not lead me. If I had a billion dollars, I would live in almost the same way as I do today. Maybe I would travel more and worry less about financial needs, but my life wouldn't change.

My true goal is financial freedom. This means never having to worry about money because my lifestyle is way below my means. With this freedom, I could start a new business, without worrying about losing money from an old company. I want money to be removed from my life.


Learn Everything

This is a goal that I can never achieve. However, I have made a lot of progress. Self-education is something that I will continue to do for the rest of my life. With each topic I learn more, three more opportunities branch out. There are few subjects that I'm not completely interested in and too many fascinate me.

Running Marathon and Physical Education

I have made many improvements to my fitness in recent years. But some of the individual fitness goals I have:

1.Run a marathon.
2.To be able to do 10 push-ups of one arm with each arm (5 was       my previous maximum)
3.Bench Press 200 lbs (I'm stuck at 185)
4.Run a 5 minute mile.
5.Do a "Superman" pushup (a pushup from a handstand position)

I don't do all this exercise just to be healthy. And it's too much work to look good (buying prettier clothes is much easier). I have a lot of fun exercising. I've never been great in sports, but I really enjoy setting incremental goals of lifting weights, running, and staying fit.

Relationships and Social Success

As someone who was not very outgoing as a child, this is an area that required more work to be good. My ultimate goal here is to be able to easily make new friends and relationships wherever I go.

Living a digital life and traveling the world can create a whole new set of problems. One of them is that you cannot trust a work environment to provide your social contacts. This is doubly true if I plan to travel to many different countries where language and cultural barriers will add an additional challenge.

Other goals and thoughts about life

This list is constantly changing. It wasn't the list I had two years ago, and it probably won't be exactly the same in another two years. I don't expect it to stay constant. I am constantly looking for new experiences, so I need to be prepared if those new experiences change my life goals.

Achieving these goals will not make me happy. I don't expect them to. Most of them are simply comfort issues, not critical to the quality of my life. Working on challenging and meaningful goals represents 90% of my happiness. Only 10% is based on my comfort with external factors such as money and location independence.

These goals are important to me. But I already have everything I want.

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