World Environment Day
New Delhi: As we have a tendency to celebrate the globe surroundings Day these days, it's a time to replicate on our relationship with Nature and surroundings, get up to the urgency of the climate crisis and specialise in the planet’s semipermanent survival. conjointly scan - World surroundings Day 2020: Meet These Young Indian Climate Warriors United Nations agency area unit Fighting to avoid wasting the earth

The main plan behind marking Gregorian calendar month five as World surroundings Day is to unfold awareness concerning the delicate nature of the surroundings that we have a tendency to board and devise ways that on a way to preserve it for the generations to come back. conjointly scan - World surroundings Day 2020: List of Most Critically species in Bharat

The day was 1st command in 1974 to encourage awareness and action for the protection of the surroundings and stood for raising awareness concerning problems associated with the surroundings like pollution, marine pollution, heating, human overspill, etc.

For 2020, the theme for World surroundings Day is ‘Celebrate Biodiversity’, which, as per the UN, a priority that's each imperative and existential.

According to the United Nation organization, the theme was hand-picked thanks to the “Recent events, from bushfires in Brazil, the us, and Australia to locust infestations across East Africa – and currently, a world unwellness pandemic – demonstrate the reciprocity of humans and also the webs of life, within which they exist.”

Celebrating nowadays, Twitterati pledged to shield nature and urged others create efforts to stay it clean and green:

World surroundings Day is hosted by a distinct country and this year, the host is Columbia.

How This Startup Is Reducing Plastic In India
In today’s world, living with COVID 19 is the new normal. Every nation and every human is trying to adapt to the drastic change that is caused by the pandemic.

Industries and companies are gearing up themselves, families are stocking up the essentials, and even the economies of almost the whole world is an all-time low. The non-essential goods and transport are entirely stagnated.

Amongst all these heartbreaking situations, one more pandemic is on the way. It is called PLASTIC WASTE.

Amongst many such consequences, not only have we overlooked but also have unintentionally participated in building up another “consequence” which has the capability of becoming the next big pandemic - PLASTIC WASTE.

Plastic waste is an accumulation of plastic residues from plastic products which are hazardous for the environment on the whole. It destroys the vegetation, wildlife and natural habitats. 

Now let us dig into the history of plastic waste

 Currently, India is generating massive 26,000 tons of plastic. Also, when we stay at home, we tend to consume more products and food so piling up plastic wrappers and bottles of all sorts is common.

Earth Day - Save Earth 
If we look at the daily routine during COVID 19, a lot of plastic bottles of sanitizers, handwashes, floor cleaners etc. were sacrificed and the brunt of this sacrifice had to be faced by Mother Earth.

 These bottles were never segregated and recycled but always ended up in the landfill or polluting the oceans. The major contributors to this waste are our entire range of home care products.

As concerned citizens, we had to put a stop to this, and that led to the birth of

Refillable – India’s 1st e-refill truck for all your home care products. 

Refillable is a platform that offers refill packs (bottles)on all home care liquids through an e-truck which has a mechanism to dispense liquids in the most hygienic method. It’s like a portable convenience store which has various products from different brands of home care
liquids provided in the most eco-friendly way possible.  Our major motive through this initiative is to offer the entire range of home care products cheaper than the market price at our customer’s doorstep in the most sustainable manner possible and to eradicate the make-use-dispose method where all packaging just ends up in the landfill.

Launch of Refillable 

 Refillable will be launched on 5th June 2020 on World Environment Day.
The company will incept with five liquids – Sanitizer, Hand Wash, Floor Disinfectant, Laundry Liquid and Dish Washing Liquid. Customers can skip the hassle of going to the store to pick up products and instead can now just order their products on that will lead to an e-refill truck waiting under your building with your favourite products.

Promoting the concept of REUSE  and REFILL

In June 2018, when the Maharashtra government banned single-use disposables.

Team refillable by kartika sharma avoid plastic save earth 
Everyone was baffled and was looking for the way ahead. At that time, five ninjas named, Nishith Jardosh and Anupriya Nayyar, partners in Manufacturing unit with over 15 years of work experience in the finance sector, Rahul Batra, a marketing geek having explored the h of Food & FMCG industry through his stints at Zomato and ASB Consultancy, Purav Desai and Lokesh Sambhwani, just graduated from H.R. College, the former being a founder of Renewable Energy Startup named TreeNew and the  various social initiatives like Habitat for Human by Adopting a Village and Boond.

How Refillable Is Filling Void Of Plastic Bottles
Refillable shows how people do not need to go out of the way to do their bit for the environment. So, what are you waiting for? ORDER NOW and play a part in a better tomorrow. 

By this productive initiative of reuse and refill, the plastic landfill of Earth will be reduced. We encourage our customers to BYOB – Bring Your Bottles for Refill at the e-truck. This will enable us to reuse the packaging. It will by customers before, thereby reducing further waste and as an alternative, we also provide aluminium bottles. In this mechanism, one pays for the product and not the packaging. 

Our full service ensures the least carbon fo. However, we travel around the city in a CNG truck and encourage people to reuse the same packaging instead of adding new material in the system and take back packaging for recycling and upcycling as well. In the wake of sanitisers have also taken all the necessary steps required. Our truck will be sanitised after each delivery; all liquids will be kept in a tamper-proof hygienic environment; our staff will ensure contactless delivery. It will be tested for COVID as well. 

For our launch happening on World Environment Day (5th June 2020), we are boosting two magical offers :

The first 50 customers will get free aluminium bottles, which is otherwise chargeable with each liquid. However, this offer is only valid until our e-refill truck finishes some maintenance work and is ready to hit the road, which will be on 30th June 2020.
On purchase of every 1ltr Sanitizer bottle, 500ml of the same quality of sanitiser will be donated to the less privileged. 
Refillable shows how people do not need to go out of the way to do their bit for the environment. So, what are you waiting for? ORDER NOW and play a part in creating a better tomorrow. 


To reduce plastic to bare minimum and save Earth from the next pandemic, Refillable is creating an innovative approach to the curtail plastic. As we all know, plastic is as lethal as any weapon, it can destroy nature and humanity, so it is time to take a step to avoid dire consequences in future. We wish all the best to the saviour startup of the decade.


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